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Staple Mate Puller

£98.60 (+VAT)

Features The STAPLEmate allows you to pull 9 gauge or 4mm staples out with ease. The drop jaw design makes the STAPLEmate perfectly balanced to automatically drop open for comfortable one hand use. The pronged lever allows you to pull staples out easily out of pine and hardwood posts, and is the ideal tool to…


The STAPLEmate allows you to pull 9 gauge or 4mm staples out with ease. The drop jaw design makes the STAPLEmate perfectly balanced to automatically drop open for comfortable one hand use.
The pronged lever allows you to pull staples out easily out of pine and hardwood posts, and is the ideal tool to have on your next fencing job.
The built in wire cutter allows you to cut high tensile wire.

Streamline design for maximum grip and leverage
Shaped head engineered to remove the toughest staples
Custom Shaped Jaw designed specifically to grip fencing staples
Hardened for extreme durability
Patented Wire Strainer grips wire to make tying off and wire positioning easier

Additional information

Dimensions 284 × 71 × 25 mm