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Half Mesh

Showing all 6 results

  • 5 Rail Cattle Yard Box End Gate

    £159.11£212.86 (+ VAT)

    The 5 rail cattle yard gate is a strong gate suitable for use in open dairy cattle yards. It is supplied as standard with keyhole/pendulum sliding bolt and sleeved 50 x 50mm box Section hanging stile. Top and bottom rails are 48.3mm o/d whilst the intermediates are 44.5mm o/d. 1143 high.

  • 5 Rail Half Meshed Gates

    £125.30£172.58 (+ VAT)

    The 5 rail half meshed gate is a quality field gate ideally suited for containing small animals and young stock. It has a sleeved box section hanging stile 44.5mm o/d top and bottom rails 30mm o/d intermediates Clad with 75mm x 75mm weldmesh 1143mm high c/w spring loaded slide bolt

  • 7 Rail Ashbourne Box End Gate

    £56.91£151.01 (+ VAT)

    7 Rail Ashbourne Box End Gate is the box end version of our most popular 7 railed gate has now been upgraded to include RHS bracing. Available from stock in a full range of sizes. Top and bottom rails 44.5mm o/d tube Intermediate rails 30mm o/d tube 1143mm high Spring loaded sliding bolt fastening 50mm…

  • Buxton Sheeted Gate 4575mm (15′)

    £505.00 (+ VAT)

    The Buxton Sheeted Gate is great for use in exposed locations as it reduces the draught through a building. 1270mm high Keyhole/pendulum sliding bolt fastening 50mm x 50mm SHS frame outer 50mm x 30mm infills Clad with 1mm pre-galvanised sheet Bespoke lug hinges and slam plates can be supplied at extra cost for fastening outside…

  • Fully Meshed Deer Gate – 3660mm (12′)

    £332.59 (+ VAT)

    Overview Fully Meshed Deer Gates are 1860mm high and are offered in two designs which are 10 railed and 3 railed fully meshed. Gates are supplied with a padlockable sliding bolt as standard.

  • Kissing Gate

    £488.74 (+ VAT)

    Traditional gates are not always suitable for fronting a Right of Way. Where this is the case, a kissing gate can often be the ideal solution, especially where livestock resides on one or both sides of the gate as the purpose of the kissing gate aims to ensure that it is impossible for the gate…