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Storage Fuel Plus – 10 Litre

£38.50 (+VAT)

Unleaded ethanol-free storage fuel for all types of vehicles. CFS Storage Plus is designed to keep the whole fuel system unaffected for years. It will stay fresh in fuel systems for at least three years and will not destroy fuel lines, corrode carburettors or make fuel injectors stick, unlike unleaded petrol with ethanol. As it…


Unleaded ethanol-free storage fuel for all types of vehicles.

CFS Storage Plus is designed to keep the whole fuel system unaffected for years. It will stay fresh in fuel systems for at least three years and will not destroy fuel lines, corrode carburettors or make fuel injectors stick, unlike unleaded petrol with ethanol. As it is ethanol free, it does not absorb water thus keeping the fuel system from rusting. A high octane level of 99 RON and 92 MON gives better protection against detonation than UK Super Unleaded. Burns extremely cleanly and aids throttle response and acceleration.

10 Litre

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10 Litre