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Onduline Nails – Pack of 400

£14.82 (+VAT)

ONDULINE CLASSIC is a ‘high performance’ lightweight corrugated bitumen roofing system. The lightweight roofing sheets are suitable for both renovation and new construction projects, and can be used on either wooden or metal structures. The sheets are finished with a colour pigment and resin impregnation process which “stains” the colour into the sheet to provide…


ONDULINE CLASSIC is a ‘high performance’ lightweight corrugated bitumen roofing system. The lightweight roofing sheets are suitable for both renovation and new construction projects, and can be used on either wooden or metal structures.

The sheets are finished with a colour pigment and resin impregnation process which “stains” the colour into the sheet to provide excellent colour retention properties and enhanced U.V. resistance.

ONDULINE CLASSIC roof solution is the perfect roof product for guaranteed watertightness as well as providing exceptional thermal and acoustic comfort.

The bitumen corrugated panels are extremely robust and able to withstand extreme weather conditions of wind and snow, as well as hot weather and heavy rains.